Monday, June 28, 2004


Fahrenheit 9/11

This is a very moving movie. Despite what the critics say, I don't see how anyone could not be affected by parts of this movie.

First of all, the theater was probably 85-90% full. Considering it was a Sunday evening, I was surprised. I was also surprised to see a wide range of ages. During the movie I did see two couples walk out, one about ten minutes after it started and another about half-way through. Both were young couples and I can't say what prompted it. I would guess that they were hoping for something more like Dodgeball or White Chicks. Anyway, on to the movie.

Michael Moore begins by revisiting the 2000 Presidential election. Watching that footage for the first time in almost four years, I was surprised at how angry I still am. Seeing the protests, the rhetoric, James Baker; it was sickening. Next, the movie goes through 9/11 and a number of scenarios connecting the Bush family with the Saudis. Here is where Michael Moore receives the majority of criticism. Some critics claim that he's trying to show proof by juxtaposition; placing a number of events together and then saying how could this not be true without actually offering concrete proof. (Kind of like our government did concerning Saddam and his WMDs/ties to terrorism/threats to the United States.) To a certain degree, I can understand, but not support, the criticism. He makes a lot of claims in a short amount of time and offers the least amount of proof necessary. But, to show all of the evidence available, this movie would be at least four hours long, so I understand his approach. Now, if you are a person that doesn't want to believe that our government could be completely corrupt, this could be a little hard to swallow. However, if you've been following some of the alternate media outlets, all of this is common knowledge and easily understood.

What I don't hear the critics talking about is the next portion of the movie. When Moore talks about the human toll of the war in Iraq, it is undeniably one of the most powerful movies ever made. We all hear that "war is hell'" but the media never shows it so we don't actually believe it. Michael Moore shows it. The bodies, the blood, the pain, and the heartbreak of the families. All of this is intercut with shots of our administration selling their lies, underscoring their brutal and deadly dishonesty. Anyone who sees this and doesn't feel remorse or guilt must be completely heartless. Everyone who supports the war should be forced to watch this portion of the film. Even if you agree with George W. Bush, you should see what is happening to our soldiers and their families. It's unimaginable.

A lot of people have said that anyone who votes should see this film. I agree. Maybe not the whole thing, as I'm sure a lot of naive people will disagree with Moore's take on Bush, but at least the part concerning the war. If you can still vote for this murdering, lying fool, you might want to check your conscience. Our president likes to claim that he is a man of God, but I know of no man of God that could possibly subject any human being to this fate.

Go see the movie, then do something about it.

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