Monday, August 22, 2005


Dear Readers,

Truespeak will be changing its format. With the start of the school year upon us, things have become quite hectic here at kissfan manor. My teaching assignment has changed this year and I am also taking classes toward a Master of Science degree. So between work and school I'm forced to prioritize my time to best meet my commitments: family, work, school. Unfortunately, that leaves precious little time for sitting in front of the computer musing on politics.

Don't worry though, Truespeak is not going away though the frequency of my postings will have to slow down. So from now until further notice, I may not post every day. I will, however, try to post as often as possible.

That being said, I want to thank all of my readers (even the ones I disagree with politically). I truly enjoy your comments and suggestions. I will still be stopping by your blogs as often as possible.

So for tonight, I'm going to refer you to something I found extrememly amusing. As many of you know, I listen to Rush Limbaugh whenever possible. I find his rants entertaining in a twisted, masochistic sort of way. Therefore, Kieth Olbermann's smackdown of the aforementioned blowhard makes me smile from ear to ear.

Go read the whole thing. It's worth it.

See you soon!

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