Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Should I Be Concerned?

As you've probably noticed, I've been kind of out of it for a while. Obviously, I haven't posted since last week and this is the first chance I've really had to check in. I won't bore you with the details, but over the last I've had two music contests to attend and two major papers due in my grad classes. I've barely had time to sleep, let alone keep up with my blogging.

So anyway, I decided I'd better check in today. (Not that I have a ton of readers, but what the hell?) So I checked my sitemeter stats and damn-near fell out of my chair. I was visited by the government twice today. The first time was by the Naval Ocean Systems Center in Washington D.C. and the second was by the Army Information Systems Command-Pentagon. According to the stats, the Navy just visited the front page from an unknown referring URL, but the post visited by the Pentagon was (no big surprise, here) very anti-Bush administration. They were brought here by a Google search of "stuart bowen miers."

So I guess my question is... Should I be concerned? Am I on some watch list now or is this part of some new Bush administration "surveillance" program?

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