Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Dear Mr. Bush (An Open Letter)

Dear Mr. Bush,

Last night, during your annual address to the nation, you asked congress (and, by proxy, you were asking America) to support your new plan for Iraq. You did this by forcefully stating:
...whatever you voted for, you did not vote for failure.

While that may be true, allow me to remind you what else our elected officials (and, by proxy, America) did not vote for.

They did not vote for incompetence.

They did not vote for mismanagement.

They did not vote for lining the pockets of Halliburton and Bechtel.

They did not vote for Abu Ghraib.

They did not vote for Al Qaqaa to remain unguarded.

They did not vote for babysitting a civil war.

They did not vote for undeterred looting.

They did not vote for botched executions.

They did not vote for militia supported leaders.

They did not vote for leaving billions of dollars unaccounted for.

They did not vote to for lying about forged documents.

They did not vote for disclosing the identity of an undercover CIA agent.

They did not vote for death squads.

They did not vote for suicide bombings.

They did not vote for over 3,000 dead American soldiers.

They did not vote for being lied to about the readiness of Iraqi troops.

They did not vote for being told that we're winning in Iraq when it is obviously untrue.

They did not vote for being labeled cowards and unpatriotic when they had enough common sense to recognize that the current approach was not working.

They did not vote for being smeared in the media when they spoke out in opposition of what has obviously become a failed policy.

They did not vote for stretching our military too thin.

They did not vote for ignoring the advice of our military leaders.

They did not vote for abandoning the search for Osama bin Laden.

And today they did not vote for supporting your new plan for more of the same.

But they got all of these things, just the same, didn't they?

So you see Mr. Bush, sometimes things happen. Sometimes you don't always get what you vote for. It's like Mick Jagger once said: "You Can't Always Get What You Want." Mr. Bush, I'm afraid you may just have to resign yourself to the fact that whether they voted for failure or not, they're going to get it due to your incompetence, your mismanagement, and your continued inability to face the reality of the situation.


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